This fix did work for my site as well, but be known, there is a spelling error in your fix. Here is the complete line:
Found in file:
/DesktopModules/Gallery/Controls/ControlPager.ascx -- LINE 14: (all one line, incase the forum word-wraps it)
<asp:hyperlink id="hlStrip" CssClass="CommandButton" runat="server" navigateurl='<%# Replace(Ctype(Container.DataItem, PagerDetail).URL,"%20","currentstrip") %>'>
I hope this helps. I am currently running the beta gallery under v4.8.0 DNN Core. It does throw exception, and I am aware that it is not intended for use with DNN 4.8.0, but I need the galleries, so we are putting up with the other exceptions as they are trivial in our opinion. If you change this statement, you can use the Friendly URLs and it doesn't take down the whole site (like it did originally)... USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK because I know that this version of the Gallery is NOT for use with 4.8.0, but by applying this to the controlpager.ascx file, we no longer get total shutdown of our site so I hope it helps.