Thanks for the information, and nice use of the word "plethora" ;-)
I've got my blog looking a bit better, but there is still a few sections that I cannot seem to get under control.
Is there anyway to alter the formating of the blog author and the date that appears below the blog title. I'm referring to the blog list page here, not the actual blog itself. I want to format this information differently from the both the Title and the description of the blog, but I don't think there's a style sheet section for it.
The HTML for the blog page looks like this when I view the source. I've highlighted the sections I'm referring to.
<div class="blog_body">
<div class="blog_head">
<h2 class="blog_title">
<a id="dnn_ctr835_MainView_ViewBlog_lstBlogView_ctl00_lnkEntry" href="">How is the new website going?</a>
<span id="dnn_ctr835_MainView_ViewBlog_lstBlogView_ctl00_lblUserName">By Rod Weir on </span> <<< This line
<span id="dnn_ctr835_MainView_ViewBlog_lstBlogView_ctl00_lblPublishDate">Thursday, January 03, 2008 8:51 AM</span> <<<And this
<span id="dnn_ctr835_MainView_ViewBlog_lstBlogView_ctl00_lblDescription">Some basic stats on the rise and rise of the </span>
<a id="dnn_ctr835_MainView_ViewBlog_lstBlogView_ctl00_lnkReadMore" class="blog_more_link" href="">Read More »</a>
Hope this makes sense.
Best regards,