I think I know which script you're referring to (I have copied it below). Thing is... I am getting the exact same error as the previous poster and step 3 of the instructions to check for any sync issues returns... nothing.
With this error, some of the tables in the database are no long in sync. The aspnet_* tables are no longer in sunc with the DNN Users table. To fix this, you will need to run a couple SQL commands. Please follow the directions below.
Check if the table are out of sync
1. Log in with the Host account.
2. Under the Host tab, click the SQL menu option.
3. Run this command:
select * from aspnet_Users au left outer join Users u on au.UserName = U.UserName where U.UserName is null
Note: If this command returns any records, your tables are out of sync. You will need to continue on with step 4. If no records are returned, your tables are fine and your problems lies elsewhere.
4. Place a checkmark in the box next to "Run as Script".
5. You will need to copy and paste the following into the SQL window:
DECLARE @UserName varchar (50)
--get a cursor to hold all the orphaned users
--that are in aspnet_Users table that are not in the DNN Users table
SELECT au.UserName FROM aspnet_Users au
LEFT OUTER JOIN Users u on au.UserName = U.UserName
WHERE U.UserName is null
OPEN users_cursor
-- Perform the first fetch.
FETCH NEXT FROM users_cursor INTO @UserName
-- Check @@FETCH_STATUS to see if there are any more rows to fetch.
--delete the user from all the aspnet_* tables that it may be in
--one at a time to avoid referrential integrity constraints
delete aspnet_Membership where UserId = (select am.UserId from aspnet_Membership am inner join aspnet_Users au on am.UserId = au.UserId where au.Username =@UserName)
delete aspnet_Profile where UserId = (select ap.UserId from aspnet_Profile ap inner join aspnet_Users au on ap.UserId = au.UserId where au.Username =@UserName)
delete aspnet_UsersInRoles where UserId in (select uir.UserId from aspnet_UsersInRoles uir inner join aspnet_Users au on uir.UserId = au.UserId where au.Username =@UserName)
delete from aspnet_Users where Username =@UserName
FETCH NEXT FROM users_cursor INTO @UserName
CLOSE users_cursor
DEALLOCATE users_cursor
6. Click the Execute link.
This should fix your tables and you should be good to go.