I have installed v 4.0.2 on a test server. And i really liked the "create link" button witch have these options:

Witch makes it easy to create a link that opens in a new window. And this is the most common way to make links for us.
While my other install on production server (also 4.02) only have the option to create link. (Like the one on this forum)

So my question is how can i get this functionality back?
I asume there is no differense in the "create link" button for different modules, but just to clearefy, bot modules were "Text/HTML". And it seems to be present on all modules.
The system specs differs also.
Test server: p4, windows xp
Production: windows 2003 server, dual opteron.
Dont know if it matters but thats the only thing that makes sense to me (since the same version was used).