This is DNN 4.8.0
Appearantly this is too deep for most of the people here????
Anyhow, I'd like to hear from a Core developer on the new information I have found.
My last post was correct in that the 2 items missing from my AJAX request are Context.Items["PortalSettings"] and Context.Items["Personalization"]
These are not getting set from one of the modules. The one I am particularly concerned with is the "PortalSettings". I dug into the HttpModules (specifically UrlRewriteModule) and found these lines that are causing that not to be set.
If PortalId = -1 Then
If Not Request.Url.LocalPath.ToLower.EndsWith(glbDefaultPage.ToLower) Then
' allows requests for aspx pages in custom folder locations to be processed
Exit Sub
This is in UrlRewriteModule.vb LINE 422, which exits the method since my AJAX request ends with .ashx and not default.aspx, so does not go on to set the following on LINE 460
app.Context.Items.Add("PortalSettings", _portalSettings)
What to do? I need to be able to access the PortalSettings class from my AJAX requests. I have tried to disabled friendly URL's and it hasn't changed the end result. ANYONE have ANY ideas???