I have a DNN project utilizing a Flash embedded javascript object located in the home page [.ascx] of the site's Skin package, which then has to be called from within the Default.aspx located in the DNN root directory. To make it all as universal as I could, I loaded the .js file that the Default.aspx file requests into the 'js' folder.
Everything looks great. The Flash movie runs just fine - until...
I began to navigate the site, and noticed that if I click the logo I am pointed to: Default.aspx?base
When I click on the 'HOME' link from the solpart menu, I am pointed to: HOME/tabid/36/Default.aspx
The former works the way I want it [identical to how the movie loads and views if an anonymous user hits the site's address in the browser]...
The latter [HOME/tabid/36/Default.aspx] does not...
My question:
How do I change the 'HOME' link on the solpart menu to be something other than: 'HOME/tabid/36/Default.aspx' ?
Or, are there other known workarounds? I would be happy to inject the proper relative/absolute directory path into this other 'home' page as well, but I'm not sure where to find it? There must be a second home page being created and running from this 'virtual' directory of some sort...
Thanks in advance for your responses!