End user changes:
* added support for an auto-approved uploader role (no more moderation)
* added support for per-user disk quotas (supports moderation, and auto-approved roles)
* added support to sync the repository with the DNN file system database to allow portal quota enforcement
* Removed the need to have Email Address, Email Address Checkbox, and Display name in the upload form. The system will now pull this from the user account info object.
* added a few new Tokens:
TEXTDESCRIPTION - Just a simple textarea, not the fancy wysiwyg
HIDDENTITLE - a hidden title field
USERQUOTABAR1 - style 1 of the quota bar
USERQUOTABAR2 - style 2 of the quota bar
USERQUOTABAR3 - style 3 of the quota bar
FILESTREAM - restored direct access to the file for FLV streaming. Needed an HTTP GET path. Am I wrong in assuming that this was removed in 3.10.14???
admin & moderation changes
* updated setup to reflect the new role "Non-moderated uploader"
* added support fields to enable and adjust the per-user disk quota
* added enforcement of the per-user disk quota when moderating users accounts
Feedback is welcome.
Next version:
* I am almost finished with a Flash file uploader.
* Better support for DNN File System Database
* integration with 3rd part File-sniffing components for Extended Meta Data on the files.