Prinny777 wrote
I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to break a long text module up into pages.
I have a page with a text module in it. There is a lot of writing in it which makes it quite long and difficuld to find a certail part of the text.
I want it broken into pages where there would be a line with a page number at the bottom and when the text was printed it would print each page to line up with the numbers at the bottom.
Much appreciated!
kind of a confusing way to do it. You could use page references I guess. There is a page break feature in the editor...but I dont' know how that works.
You could set up a series of pages, each with one text module in the page, then plop the text in for that page, and create links refering all over the place.
The fact is DotNetNuke CAN do whatever you want..but I think your looking more for a custom module to do specifically what you want rather than the txt/htm module.
Here is a simple idea to get it done I think, but requires a bit of work.
1st put a link module in your left pane
2nd make your main content page(page 1), and put a link in the link module to that page(or....the page your on).
3rd Create page 2, usign the txt module again, ptu your page 2 text in there, on the page 2 also drop the EXISTIGN link module into the left pane, and add a link to it to page two..
and so on. this will give you a "virtual" menu that stays with each page.
I've one something similar here:
This is a series of pages using the link module as a table of contents, and the HTML/TEXT module as the content of each page, even usign CSS and stuff in the module to make it look cool.