I'm sorry. Things aren't posting correctly. Below (hopefully) is the code for the dynamic menus. Thanks again for your help!
"<form name="cascade"> <p><select name="Route" size="1" onclick="fillSel(this)"> <br /><option selected>-- Select a Route -- </option> <option value="Route11">Route 11</option> <br><option value="Route33">Route 33</option> <option value="Route34">Route 34</option> </select><td valign="top" width="50%"><select name="destList" size="1" onclick="doSel(this)"> <br /><option>-- Select a Stop -- </option> </select></p> </td> <script language="javascript"> <!-- Route11 = new Array("Asbury","","College Main", "selMenu.html","Wellborn","lockField1.html","Villa Maria","currency.html"); Route33 = new Array("Trigon", "","Doux Chene", "rolodex1.html","Longmire","rolodex2.html","Ponderosa","rolodex3.html"); Route34 = new Array("Trigon","","Westridge","snippet1.html","Antelope","snippet2.html","Welsh","snippet3.html"); function fillSel(selObj) { var i = j = 0; var newItem; var src; var srcName = ""; for (i = 0; i < selObj.length; i++) if (selObj.options[i].selected) srcName = selObj.options[i].value; src = eval(srcName); with (document.cascade.destList) { options.length = 0; for (i = 0; i < src.length; i++) { newItem = options.length; options[newItem] = new Option(src[i]); options[newItem].value = src[i+1]; i++; } options[0].selected = true; } if (!isOk) history.go(0); } function doSel(selObj) { for (i = 1; i < selObj.length; i++) if (selObj.options[i].selected) location.href = selObj.options[i].value; } //--> </script> </tr> </tbody> </table> </fieldset>"