I have two skins for my site.
One is a 3-pane layout (left, content, right) just for the home page, index.ascx.
The other is a 2-pane layout (left, content) for all other pages, index_2col.ascx.
When I click the 'Login' link, created using the [LOGIN] token, I get a Login page which is skinned like the home page.
I used an ascx skin and then skinned the home page with index.ascx....but I don't want any pages other than the home page with three panes.
What causes my problem and how can I fix it??
I'm on DNN 4.8.1 (localhost), and I have found login.ascx in several places, but this appears to be a core file which I realize should not be modified.
This 'wrong skin' also happens on a DNN 4.7.0 test site.
Should I make a new, separate user login page and not use the Login token??
Thank you, Tom