Eric Piraux wrote
With that remark : when a translation is missing, it is obvious that the entry is not present in the localized (i.e. fr-FR) ressource file. So you've first to find in default resources files the text, copy the xml node to the related localized resource file, and then translate.
This is a really cumbersome process.
Eric, you don't need to go through that low level process. Yes, Brandon's recommenadation to look for the text resources using an ordinary text search is useful for detecting the files that contain the resources you need to translate.
But once you have the filenames targeted, I would suggest the following procedure:
- Go to Host - Languages - Language Editor
- From the tree on your left, select the filename you found to be incomplete.
- Select your locale from the Available Locales dropdown list.
- Select the Mode option: System
- Mark the Highlight Pending Translations checkbox
- Browse down the resources list looking for the ones having a red textbox.
- Fill in the correct values
- Click on Update at the bottom, and that's it.
Your locale resource file (*.fr-FR.resx) will be updated now, containing all the pertinent resource text entries, names and values.
You see, the DNN Language Editor has gone through significant improvements since version 4.5.x. I honestly find it very useful.
Please tell me if you could solve your problem using this suggestion, and if not, please give a detail of the features you would find useful in DNN's Language Editor.
Thank you for your feedback!