Hello everyone,
I'm new to DNN and want to thank DNN & the community for a great tool. I'm looking to implement DNN in an intranet and wanted to know if AD could accomplish a few things I'm trying to do.
I have AD working and recognizing users. This is very nice. I want to set up several child sites and direct users to pages that relate to their location and job function. I'd also like to restrict some areas/content to managers or employees in certain roles. We have several custom fields in our AD setup. Some of the fields include: City, GAL_Title, State, HR_Location, HR_Jobcode, HR_Manager_Rank, Division, NT_Domain, AD_Organizational_Unit2.
Is this possible with this tool? If not, can it be modified to do so, and where would I direct our programmer to make the adjustments.
The senario I'm looking for would look like this: a sales rep would log onto DNN and be directed to the sales portal for their particular state. A repair tech would be directed to their related child site by state. A manager could have access to pages/ child sites that are not available to non-managers.
Thanks for taking the time to read,