Searched the forum and couldn't find this.
All of the sudden no one can log off my site. When you click logoff the page just reloads. Even the host can not logoff.
The only things I've done before this started happening was:
1. Updated the documents module
2. Installed the Map module but am not using it.
3. Added an Iframe pointed to an HTML with a flash presentation in it.
Sometimes the same sort of thing happens on a login. When you login it directs you to a thank you page which in turn redirects you to the home page after 3 seconds.
Well sometimes you can see you are logged in at the thank you page but when you get to the home page you are logged out and see the login at the top.
It's kind of amazing that I've been in development for 4 weeks on my site with no problems to speak of and now that I have rolled out the site this crazy thing happens.
Just my luck. hahahaha
Any ideas or help on this?
Thank You,