I am trying to make a private assemby module and I have used the BlankModule guide made by Vladan Strigo. But I can not get a hold of webcontrols inside my user control. Here is an example.
I have a control settings.ascx and settings.ascx.cs, I have added them to my like standard user controls, and then modified them according to the DNN_Startup Kit with the control inheriting from ModuleSettingsBase like this:
namespace PromSys.Modules.ViewPromSysPublishStatic
partial class Settings : ModuleSettingsBase
But then I can not get a reference to my controls on settings.ascx. Like if add a control to mye ascx page like this <asp:TextBox id="myTb" runa="server" /> then I cannot use this code in my cs page
string myText = myTb.Text;
This vill give me a compile error, saying myTb does not exist.
And if I try
TextBox myNewTb = (TextBox)Page.FindControl("myTb");
It will give me an null Exception.
So how do I use webcontrols at the same time as I use ModuleSettingsBase? Or do I use something else then ModuleSettingsBase?
Best regards