dnn-ubie wrote
Not so quick. I took a new user account and hit the dnn site.
The IE window just stalled and never did render the home page. Obviously the above modification did not resolve the problem.
I am still in the situation where the login control doesnt' allow users to log in and i get error object reference not found. If i make the modification to the web.config authentication mode=windows then new users cannot get logged in.
Still frustrated. - dave
This is actually the problem iv had in the past before the AD provider and still have with it.
Iv made a new install on another webserver yesterday to see if moving from windows 2000 to windows 2003 would do a differerent, but it didnt.
DNN Never creates the user and seems like its just ends up in a loop. Iv made applications which handle administrative tasks in our AD with no problem, so accessing the AD with LDAP aint a problem, but iv never had DNN work propper. If i manuel create a new user in the database, then it seems to work alright, and skip the point where IE ends in an endless loop.
What iv done in the ealier versions, and seems to have to do until i find the bug is have a job running every 2 min to see if any userers are made in our AD and if so create them in the database.
I dont know if the number of users in the AD makes a different we have more than 10000 users and groups and 100-200 OUs.