I've solved my first module problem - getting it on the page. Now I'm actually back to the problem I originally had which had me remove the module definition and add it (incorrectly) back in... so I have the intermediate problem fixed, but am now back to the original problem.
If I view my page using this link, all works well:
However, if I use the "home" link on my site, which is directed to go to the same "page", I get the following error in place of my custom module:
A critical error has occurred.
Cannot use a leading .. to exit above the top directory.
This is the URL that shows up: https://enoveltysigns.c2itconsulting.net/Default.aspx?tabid=357&error=Cannot+use+a+leading+..+to+exit+above+the+top+directory.&content=0
I've tried adding a completely new, blank page, and adding the control. It works fine as the "homepage" (default.aspx), but if I use the menu to access the page (through the TabID property, I'm guessing) - I get the errors.
Is there a way I can turn on more debugging to see where the error is happening? My module does use server.mappath to get the path to a file in the same directory as the module, but I've tried it by taking that section of code out and still get the same result.
So that's where I'm at... Ideas?