After searching the forum i didn't find any others that seem to have this query, and have read Michael Washingtons tutorial on navigating to additiona controls - however they fire from click events on buttons within the module code.
I am building a module for our website at the moment, its functionality is as follows: There is a table of Products, and a table of margins (%). i have a number of different 'views' of this data i wish to make available to the end users. I had intended to simply create multiple ascx pages..
for example, a page that simply displays a gridview of the products (whole sale price).
a page that shows the products pricing modified by the relative margins
A page that shows editable fields for changing the margins for different products.
I had considered simply having a single ASCX file that enabled/disabled the various gridviews etc as per URL based directive, and can still do this, however i've started coding as separate pages thus far - it doesn't really matter.
My question is, I would my wonderful built in DNN dropdown menu, to show "Pricing" and when you click, it drops down to show 3 options - i cannot see a way of doing this without actually creating separate pages and specifying "Pricing" as the parent, and then i need to create a module anyway to place on the page to trigger the NavigateURL(), or simply to split up the module into 3 separate modules...
Is there something simple i'm missing? What is an advisable way to achieve what i want from the menu?
Thanks again, Charles