I've just run across something that caused us no end of grief and I'd like to share it with you all so it's on public record. I think it's a bug, but others may disagree or there may be a very good reason it's done this way.
We were setting up a test site for a very large repository for regression tetsing before migrating to the latest version.
We did this by copying the existing site to a test location, and then running through the upgrade on the test site. All seemed to go OK, but we kept getting problems where files were reported missing when downloads were attempted. Then to our suprise, we got the same issue on the live site which had never had a problem. To cut a long story short eventually it was noticed that the file location being requested from both sites was the SAME. In other words, the test site was still pointing at the live filestore!
It didn't take long then to work out why. In the ModuleSettings table all the locations for the repository folder are held as FULL path names. i.e. as "D:\httproot\livesite\portals\0\Repository\whatever". Obviously, the location for the testsite needed to point to its filestore, NOT the live site.
It didn't take long to fix the table up with a script, but it's taken a whole heap longer to sort out which files should be where between the live and test sites. Very nasty!
This to me is an obvious bug. The repository folder locations surely should be held in the tables in a PORTALROOT relative form, not as an absolute filestore path.
Thoughts, anyone?