This formatting lark is beging to do my head in.
I am trying to change the formatting of the days that have blogs in the calandar. I have worked out that I need to change .Blog_Archive_SelectedDay. Great so far.
However, there seems to be two parts to it. When I look at it in FirerFox using the developer tool add on (thanks for the advice Don via someone else's thread) it shows that the class is applied twice. There is an outside box and an inside box that contains the number. However, they both use the same class.
I can change the outline of both boxes so I end up with a big square outline and an outline square around the number.
I can change the background colour of the inside box so that the number is on the background colour I want.
The problem is that between the inside box and the outside box it is the orinal colour. But as there is only ever one class applied, so I can't see where to change the grey backgrond as I am already changing it, and it obviouosly is working ok as the inside box changes.
Oh, and I don't seem to be getting anywhere with changing the colour of number. If I can change the background colour I would want it to be white, but if I can't I guess that might be the compomise.