This is starting to get crazy, I have done this so many times and I have wrote about it some many time in this forum and I keep getting conflicting information. I will try to write this in the most basic, plain format that I can think of. Step-By-Step turn-by-turn.
Before I did anything on the local server I upgraded the live production server to 4.8.4 and have verified this by checking the database (info obtained from posted on this forum)
It is on a W2K3 R2, using SQL Express 2005, .NET 2.0 and the latest 4.8.4 DNN download. We are setting up a local site, and importing the data from the live production site to the local site for development.
If I understand everything correctly using the install manuals (thanks Mitchel). The basics should be as follows.
I installed .NET and ASP.NET
I installed IIS
I Installed SQL Express and associated tools and toys to work with it
I then downloaded DNN 4.8.4 unzipped it using WinZip
I unzipped it into the C:\Inetput\webroot folder
I then configured IIS according to the manuals.
I changed all the permissions according to the manuals.
I then launched IE 6 and vided the web site so I can install DNN 4.8.4.
It installed and worked (eventually, but that is not important at this point).
So the latest installs are in the c:\inetpub\wwwroot folder with no virtual directory. I'm having to assign a port (8080) to the IIS site, because 80 is in use by another application that I can not change. So the local site is
With this working on the local server. I then visited the live production web site and downloaded the entire working web site.
I also did a backup of the SQL database.
I followed all the manuals and imported the database into the local copy of SQL Express.
Now I'm importing the LIVE DB in. I used the following to copy the DB in and it was successful:
FROM DISK = 'C:\DotNetNuke\Microsoft SQL Database\riverfriends_backup_20082561130.bak'
WITH MOVE 'riverfriends_log' TO 'C:\DotNetNuke\DotNetNuke_log.ldf',
MOVE 'riverfriends_dat' TO 'C:\DotNetNuke\DotNetNuke_dat.mdf'
Processed 3880 pages for database 'RIVERFRIENDS', file 'riverfriends_dat' on file 1.
Processed 3 pages for database 'RIVERFRIENDS', file 'riverfriends_log' on file 1.
RESTORE DATABASE successfully processed 3883 pages in 15.916 seconds
(1.998 MB/sec).
I then Changed the PortAliase to
I added the correct users to the new database.
Copied the data from the old install (skins ...) to the new install (local)
I copied the Desktopmodules from the live server to the new install (local)
I did the same with portals/0
I copied the DLL’s from the BIN folder on the live server to the new install (local)
I then did the same with the app_code folder.
I then Verified permissions again for the Network Service account to have full control and propagate throughout the subfolders
I then verified that my webconfig connection info was correct (below).
<!-- Connection String for SQL Server 2000/2005 -->
<add name="SiteSqlServer"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
<!-- Connection String for SQL Server 2000/2005 - kept for backwards
compatability - legacy modules -->
<add key="SiteSqlServer"
So, after three weeks, I'm still no farther along that I was before. However I did discover that using the phrase "I can't log on" will get you the silent treatment faster that yelling Hi Jack! on a plane will get you shot.
So I have two issues, one is the Module Load Warning (yes the modular have been placed in the DesktopModules folder and the permissions are correct. I must be missing a key secret to getting the modules to load.
I’m not trying to create any strange mutant. I simply want to get a local copy of the live 4.8.4 web site running. The whole “mutant” thing came from a mistake of using an old database that I was given vice making a backup myself. The above steps have been performed twice each time starting from scratch. I can duplicate this every time as of late, so I must be missing something.