Hi Vitaly, my name is Charlie and I am a (fairly) new user to DNN, my company mainly does skinning and the initial CP (content population) of a site.
Here's my issue, my clients want a google map embedded in their site, allowing site-visitors and clients to get directions to their location. On any other platform besides DNN I would simply use the Iframe code that Google generates. But since you've built this potentially wonderful module we decided to use as much of DNN's power as possible.
I've successfully setup an iframe to google maps on a 4.08 platform using the 4.03 Iframe. However for another portal on another installation (still using DNN 4.08) i have the 3.03.07 IFrame module installed. It is on this portal that i cannot (for the life of me) make this iframe show up. This is the error that appears in the iframe
Your client does not have permission to get URL /maps?f=q&hl=en&q=1919%2BAlliant%2BEnergy%2BCenter%2BWay%2BMadison%2C%2BWI%2B53713&sll=37.0625%2C-95.677068&sspn=48.287373%2C79.101563&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=16&iwloc=addr&output=embed
from this server. (Client IP address:
I used the following code generated by google for my query string parameters
I've noted that on the iframe that was successful that there was a matching value for the geocode parameter, i believe that this has a great effect on the functionality of the iframe (as far as google maps are concerned) but i cannot manage to make google maps generate code that has the geocode and its value for the above location.
I'm literally at wit's end on this so if you have a trick or two please share
A very frustrated developer/designer