I have to create a custom user management/registration/account module for DNN 4.X. These modules have to extend core modules with new attributes and features – like user photo, self description in three languages, sending e-mail to users which fulfill some conditions and etc.
I wonder, if it is better to extends (modify) core modules and create a new custom modules? If so, how can I switch core modules in DNN to use my custom modules – like login, user account? How can I do it for Admin site – user management, send e-mail? Or is it better to modify existing modules without creating custom ones?
I read some posts on forums, the authors claimed that it is possible to create new tables with UserID as ForeignKey and insert these new attributes, that are needed for my custom modules – but still I don’t know how to swap core users management/registration/account modules with my new created ones.
Can anyone help me with this problem? Or put me on the right direction?
Which options is better and why, if so?
Thanks in advance,
Jakub G