It's working !:)
This is actually a followup my posts on:
But since it dosn't cover all in that thread I'll post what I have found here:
Have collected bits and pices from the dotnetnuke web and come up with something thats worked for me. I am sure there stuff that you don't need to do, but I am not going to try to install another version for a while... I hope this description is complete...
This worked today on the source solution:
Files / Filesystem
1. Create your solution folder
2. Turn of simple file sharing tools folder options view
2. Add user _LOCAL_ ASPNET with modify (and other thats already checked) {machine}/ASPNET
3. Extracted source to the folder
4. Copied Website\Install\DotNetNuke.install.config to Website root folder
5. Copied website\config\siteurls to website root folder
6. Rename release.config to web.config
7. Changed the web.config to use correct connection string, user, password and database (see database)
8. Optional: .Turn on debug: <compilation debug="true" strict="false"> in web.config
9. Create database user and set user default database
10. Create database and add user to it,make user dbo. to database
11. Create virtual directory choose correct framework version (under ASP) and make sure documents include default.aspx
- Tried to access the web ... It just kept hanging
- Closed the Browser and tried again
- Got an erorr when the app wanted to do response.redirect to: http://localhost/{MYSITE}/Install/Install.aspx?mode=install
- Access that once - Nothing happened
- Closed Browser and Tried once more to access it and the installation started.
And it was running fine!
Errors I have encountered:
Database error (DotNetNuke Upgrade Error)
For me this it looks like the error comes when some objects have been installed in database but not a complete install--> Try setting the database up again (empty).
-Could not access siteurl.*** among others
-DotNetNuke Configuration Error - Access
Have you granted the correct file permissions and copied all files ?
Remember to use the LOCAL ASPNET {machine}/ASPNET nothing else :)
Error: Response.End cannot be executed when ApplicationInstance is not available.
Try accessing the Install URL mentioned under Install.
And even more... But all are more or less due to:
- Skipping something in what I described in the beging
- You have ended up with an Install thats not completly what/where it should be and one error leads to the next. You migth get it to run in the end but...Are u sure it's ok ?
My advice is to start from the top if you get on the wrong foot and one error comes after another.
Hope I didn't forget anything