Hello DNN Community!
I have been trying to convert a module that Michael Washington Created that used to be part of a website project to a WAP project by itself and am having some difficulty that I hope you can help me with.
The Survey.ASCX file contains calls to functions that are located in the code behind file like this:
Text='<%# formatQuestion(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"Question"),lstResults.Items.Count + 1) %>'>
NavigateUrl='<%# EditURL("SurveyId",DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"SurveyId")) %>'
This project compiles fine, but when I add my module to a page in my site I get this type of error:
error BC30451: Name 'formatQuestion' is not declared.
My question is: can I still call server side functions like this in a WAP? If so, how do I change the syntax to all this? If not, how would you recommend I best bind these controls?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Thanks Todd.