I could really use a little additional assistance here. I got my javascript to work, it validates that there are 3 names in the name field. I had to put it in the form, because the FOOTER is not used on the upload page that I have (I don't know if I did something, but I don't think so).
But I still have 2 problems. One is that when I click on UPLOAD from the first screen, it executes the ONSUBMIT script that I wrote for the form. So I guess that both pages use this. I think I can fix this by querying the URL and if it's the first screen, I'll bypass my check.
But my other problem is larger. When the user submits the upload, if there are any validation issues from the standard Repository upload page, it shows those and also executes my validation. BUT if it passes all the standard validation, it never executes my javascript. How can I fix this? Can I put my javascript somewhere else, e.g. include it in some validation that the module is doing?
I have spent most of the day exploring options and I'm not sure where to go from here. I just need to have a first / middle and last name for the user.
Help would be appreciated.