you'd have to do some ugly hacking in the sproc to achieve that. Each module has a unique id to identify it's data. So, when you look at the sproc to retrieve data for a module, ModuleID is always passed as a parameter so the sproc can retreive only the records for that particular module instance. If you want 2 modules to retrieve the same data, you'd have to somehow figure out how to tell the sproc which records to retrieve.
For example, if you had 2 repository modules, with IDs of 200 and 201, and looked at the sproc grmGetRepositoryObjects, you'd see that one of the WHERE clauses is .. WHERE ModuleID = @ModuleID. That way module 200 only sees module 200's data and module 201 sees only module 201's data.
You could hard-code some special logic to combine the module IDs, so regardless whether 200 or 201 was passed in, the sproc would return all of the data for those 2 modules.
Pseudocode: you'd have to work out the SQL syntax youself...
replace the WHERE ModuleID = @ModuleID logic with...
if @ModuleID=200 or @ModuleID=201 then
WHERE ModuleID=200 or ModuleID=201
WHERE ModuleID = @ModuleID
end if
that way if you pass in any other ModuleID you'll only get that module's data, but if you pass in 200 or 201 you'll get the data for both modules combined so they look like one module.
Of course, this is ugly and I'm not recommending hard-coding moduleids in your sprocs, but that's one way that you can achieve your goal.