Hello all,
I am trying to use the Database Publishing Wizard to transfer my local DB to GoDaddy.
The process is currently failing at a point where it tries to assign permissions to my localmachine\ASPNET user to an object in the remote DB. Since that user doesn’t exist on the GoDaddy server, the DPW ends with an error as follows:
Database Publishing Progress
- Gathering list of objects to script (Success)
- Connecting to web service (Success)
- Scripting objects (Success)
- Creating default DF__Xml_Param__Value__483BA0F8 (Error)
An error occured while trying to publish the following script:
GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[aspnet_AnyDataInTables] TO [NOTEBOOK\ASPNET]
Cannot find the user 'NOTEBOOK\ASPNET', because it does not exist or you do not have permission. (System.Web.Services)
I installed DNN 3.x locally and later upgraded to 4.8.4. The localmachine\ASPNET is the owner of the Roles and Schemas for the aspnet_Roles…, aspnet_Membership… and aspnet_Profile related objects. I did not set this up purposely, so I presume the DNN installation set it up like that.
So my questions:
1. Is this a result of the typical DNN Installation script? (I would then expect a lot more people to have this problem)
2. Is there something special I may have done at installation to cause it?
3. How would I go about solving this? (I thought a possibility would be to change from integrated/Windows authentication to a SQL authentication in web.config and changing ASPNET user permissions to another DB user, but it seems there would have to be a simpler solution)
Thanks in advance for any help.