Thanks for the link. I enjoyed the piece. I had the updates for the xsd in place, also changed the pubDate to NOT validate, but since I had to rebuild the News module, they were not picked up, and have since been able to make that change as you suggested in your blog.
I'm going to be going over some other items, as well. I've tried this change with a aggregating a couple of feeds with no issues, but it's still too early to call testing done. There are so many varieties of feed types and variables to go through. Still, I'm sure that relaxing the validation will be a step.
I like what Peter has done with the module overall direction, yet, I know there is much more to do (he does too!). Just so much a single person can do, though. I'd like to see if I can add the feature to add parameters from a list, like what is done in the XML/XSL module. I can think of some that would be nice to have, like a sorting direction 'asc' or 'dsc'. I can hard code the default xsl to do the sorting, but it would be much nicer to provide the option to specify it like the number of items to show.
Anyway, thanks for the response, and I'll be checking your blog, and updating mine with my results. Also, thanks to Peter for doing the hard bits! Hat's off!!!