I've been manually recreating one of my 3.2.x DNN sites on my new DNN 4.0.2 setup (SQL Express) and I am finding that quite often, the View and Edit checkboxes (in various standard modules' setting screen) don't get saved. In my current case...
I've added a Text Module to the Home page, but I only want it visible to registered users, so I have gone into its settings page and...
uncheck "Inherit View Privledges from Page"
check the checkbox in the View column, next to the Registered Users security role line.
I then update the module and that works just fine. When I go back in to settings, the checkboxes are still correct.
Next I try to set up who can edit the Text Module. I have a security role called "Editors" and so I go back into settings for the Text Module and check the checkbox in the Edit column, next to the Editors security role line.
When I hit the update link at the bottom of the module's settings page, it seems to act properly (returning me to the page where the module lives), but my newly checked checkbox is lost. If I go back into the module's settings page, the checkbox in the edit column across from the Editors security role is unchecked.
Anybody else experiencing this and/or have a solution?
Thanks in Advance,