I've looked through previous posts, and I could find some that were similar to my situation, but I couldn't find any that where the exact same.
I had a non-DNN site that I needed to convert to a DNN site, lets call the site "websitedomain.com" I needed to transfer the "websitedomain.com" domain to godaddy (my hosting site) just to keep everything together under the same host for convience. While this transfer was pending, I created a new domain at "websitedomain.info" and created the new DNN site at that temporary location. Once I got the ".com" domain on godaddy, I just switched the hosting plan from the ".info" site to the ".com" site.
And this worked, sort of. Typing in the "websitedomain.com" domain brings up the DNN site I created, but it puts up the "websitedomain.info" in as the address. The ".info" site no longer has any kind of hosting account associated with it. (I had a feeling this was going to happen when I created the .info site, but I had to get the DNN site created ASAP as time was of the essence.)
I need to know how to get it so that when typing in "websitedomain.com", it displays the site with the "websitedomain.com" in the address bar, which is the correct address of the site.
Thanks in advance!