LowGenius wrote
Greetings all. I am a new DNN user and am currently configuring my blog. I have some questions and/or feature requests:
I guess the sweeping question is, can any of the following already be done, and I'm just missing it?
- Make page title include title of the blog entry
- Categorize
- Generate a 'slug,' a direct URL that contains the title of the blog, for search engine optimization
- Tagging, tag clouds, etc. - I have seen some mentions of this possibility, but it doesn't seem to be implemented yet except as a paid addon-module for the entire DNN engine.
For blog entry to change the title of the page, please see this thread http://www.dotnetnuke.com/Community/Forums/tabid/795/forumid/92/threadid/239972/scope/posts/Default.aspx
Currently the only way to categorize something is to create a child blog by that name (as far as I know)
The current blog module does not support title in the URL. From what I hear the next version 3.05 which is scheduled to release very soon has this feature.
Tag clouds etc are available as paid modules for DNN as a whole. However, I haven't come across anything for Blog module itself.
With the additional hit taken from lack of categorization and tagging mechanisms, I'm really wondering if I wouldn't be better off installing BlogEngine.Net in a subdirectory and using that to manage my blog entries (or just redirecting the blog 'page' on my business site to the existing blogengine, perhaps with pre-selected category, at my personal site.
I'm definitely excited about getting to know DNN, it's an incredibly versatile CMS that will allow me to quickly create attractive, easy-to-use, and easy-to-manage client sites, and I full intend to leverage it in my web design business...but this particular module is problematic in lacking these features. Taking the page title issue, for instance, I use the AddToAny social bookmarking tool on my BlogEngine, and whenever it Diggs or Deliciouses or Reddits or Buzzes a blog entry, the page title shows up as "LowGenius | Article Title." When I use the same tool to bookmark an entry in my DNN blog, it just titles as "[Name Of The Blog]." This makes it more complicated for visitors to bookmark and share my blog entries, which negatively impacts my ability to leverage social bookmarking to drive traffic.
And so on.
If I'm just missing something, please feel free to tell me - I'm very new to DNN, I certainly don't know my way around it yet, and I like to think I can handle constructive criticism.
Any help will be appreciated. For an example of the sorts of things I'm talking about, please feel free to take a look at my BlogEngine-based site at www.lowgenius.net and compare how that handles to the way DNN handles.
I understand and agree with your frustation about not being able to tag or categorize content. The blog module has kinda lagged behind but as far as I understand, with the impending release of 3.05, there should not be much to complain about. The Blog team is absolutely gung-ho about adding more features and if time permits, we should be able to see many more features packed into the Blog module.
Whether to go with BlogEngine.NET or not is entirely your decision; I for one have realized that DNN makes things so much easier despite the shortcomings in various sections which, given enough time can get sorted quickly. On my website, www.subodh.com , you'd probably see the Blog module at its best, I cannot complain and frankly, even though I paid for the tag clouds and other such modules, I realized I'd rather wait off until Blog module supports it inherently. Of course if I lose my patience, the source code is always there for anybody to build on to.