Thanks for the comments, time and work on the project. I reviewed both papers on localization. I can't get the JIT compiler to use the resource files either on the remote or local server. What I have is this...
Public mainModule (I tried partial as well)
Inherits MyFormsClass
Inherits PortalModuleBase
In the mainModule.ascx file I have a label control
<asp:Label id=FirstName resourcekey="FirstName" CssClass="LabelHeader" runat="server"></asp:Label>
My DesktopModules/myModule/App_LocalResources/mainModule.ascx.resx has a key:FirstName and value: Text:First Name.
The label will not render the text. I have tried a lot of variations. I tried inheriting from usercontrol and pagebase just to test, I have set AutoEventWireup to true and false. Nothing.
I can use the core clientapi to add a confirm to a link and that works.
I won't get the VS2005 for a couple of weeks, so I won't be able to compile it and try it that route until then.
Tell me if you need anything else.
Thanks again for all the effort. I plan on applying for to a team in the near future after I can wrap up this current project. The project requires a lot of localization and is running multi-lingual. Do you you know of any web services that provide translations?
Thanks, Roman