Video Manage Pro 2.0 (Get it on snowcovered)
1. Introduction
This is a video encoding and video publishing tool for dnn. It supports convert videos and audios from one format to another format, extract audio, grab thumbnails, and post watermark on videos on the fly. It capables of handling a multitude of videos including:
1 Flash Video (.flv)
2 Microsoft WMV 1/2/3 (.wmv, .asf)
3 Apple QuickTime(.mov)
4 DivX/XVID/Motion Jpeg(.avi)
5 Mpeg-2 encoded DVD video(.mpg,.vod)
6 Mpeg 1/2(.mpg,.mpeg,.mpe)
7 Mobile phone video format(.3gp)
8 Apple/Sony mp4(.mp4,.mp4v,.m4v)
2.Screen shots and feature detail
2-1 Video List
Valid video type include wmv,avi,mp4,3gp,mpg,mov,mpe,divx,flv,m4v files. Click "Add video" to add single item to list, click "Add Folder " to add all videos under that directory to list.

Video list
2-2 Convert Video
It supports encoding and publishing videos to flv/3gp/avi/mpg/m4v/mov/mp4/wmv files. You can also extract video audio to mp3/m4a/wma audio types. Additionally,there is a wide range of flashvars (settings) for tweaking both behavior and appearance and an extensive.
Video convert
Module also allows you post watermark to target video while converting
2-3 Post watermark to source file
This feature allows you post watermark to original videos (don't need convert).
2-4 Grab single image
Enter time in seconds or "hh:mm:ss" in video from where you want to capture thumbnail, module will capture it.
2-5 Grab multiple images
Allows you capture up to 9999 images for each video.
2-6 Synchronize Files
Enables you add new generated videos(images) into portal file strucutre. After synchronize ,you can view them under dnn standard “Admin - File manage” menu.
Check snowcovered for more detail.