Hello Gilles,
I think there is some miscommunication in my quesions and your answers.
I did install the Store 02.01.09 quite a long time ago on my production site, before I suggested the enhancements regarding the Inventory management fields. In fact, I realized that I needed these fields just then....
So, in my production database, these fields are NOT present now.
My question is if you have written a SQL query to create these fields in the database table, and I want to know if this new features are included within the latest Store version on your French website called version 02.01.x, dated 11-12-2008. I downloaded this version today and installed it on my testDNN site ver. 5.0.0 on my laptop, but the fields are NOT in the database.
Or... do I have to create these new fields in the database myself by use of SQL-manager?
Or... do I miss something all together on this matter? In essence, where do I find the function you mentioned in your first response (part 1):
"1) I added new fields in the database (table StoreProducts: StockQuantity, LowThreshold, HighThreshold, DeliveryTime and PurchasePrice) and the corresponding code of course to manage them. ;-)"
I don't understand your second reply on the stored procedures; they don't create the new fields in the database. The stored procedure "Store_Products_GetPortalLowStockProducts" is not there at all..... How can I obtain that stored procedure?
I do understand that they don't return the fields yet though.....