Dario Rossa wrote
Hi Subodh,
the module checks if the given link includes the "http://" protocol. I am wondering if this is the problem. What address are you using as OpenID?
Best regards,
Dario Rossa
Hi Dario
Appreciate your looking into this issue. However, irrespective of whether the http exists, the problem still seems to manifest. I'm not sure if the problem rests with Blog module or with the Open ID itself
Here's some more issues that added to my grief last night ...
On the same lines, once a user is logged in, why is the Blog module asking for name again? And why is the Captcha still visible? Added to that, the OpenID module, during registration pre-fills FirstName: OpenID and LastName:User. I guess that makes the validation useless (even if somebody was ready to fill in his first name and last name. And, when a user provides an email address / website in his/her OpenID profile, the default is still for Admin (not public); I guess that's probably why the Blog module is forced to show the URL as name wherein it actually should be a name hyperlinked to the URL.
I know I sound like a whiny sob and sorry about giving a "how it should be done rant.." but I sincerely hope and believe the Blog module can and will someday be at par with other Typepad *types*
+1 for my $PostCount