Hello, Please Excuse any ignorance that I may show in some of my questions. I am new to DNN and really no coding experience. I have partnered w/ a developer (John) to build me a new site who is very well versed in ASP.Net , but not a lot of experience about DNN.
The basis of the site is for Registered users to Post there own events (Community Events) John has built a pretty sweet Events calendar/displayer using ASP.Net and AJAX controls. After this site was up and running I decided to switch to DNN Platform so that I could have more flexibility in building and adding pages and content.
There are some features of his Events program that I like more than the DNN Version (such as how events are displayed via AJAX Drop downs and other things) , But also there are some very cool features in DNN that I'd like to implement into ours such as recurring events, and the ability to merge w/ events from other pages. One thing about the DNN Version (correct me if I am wrong) but it seems as though if I set the permissions to a Registered User to EDIT, then they could edit anything? Plus I don't really feel that our reg. users would need to be able to change the text editing options.
In short, how would he go about using the best of both and creating a new module?
I am not sure if he used ASP.Net 3.0 or another version,
Thanks for any assistance in advance!