I'm clearly doing sommething dumb....
I looked at [several] forum entries on the subject and the response basically is the same
... only I can't get it to work!!!
here are two javascript entries:
var LblDate = document.getElementById("dnn_ctr455_PM_CalendarView_lblSelectedDate");
var LblDate1 = document.getElementById('<%=lblSelectedDate.ClientID%>');
The first works, [effectively hardcoded], the second doesn't
I've tried [in addition to the above]:
var LblDate1 = document.getElementById('"<%=lblSelectedDate.ClientID%>"'); [two lots of differing quotation marks, the same QMarks etc....]
.. as well as 'losing' the QMarks AND changing the '<%=' to '<%#' and simply '&'
In anticipation of someone restoring my sanity.....