Hi !
I am experiencing an issue in trying to apply Modifying permissions to a specific module for a specific Role.
I have created a specific role, picked up a specific module in a page, unchecked the page inheritance, granted View permissions to "All users" and Modify permissions to my specific role.
Once this config made, the expected behaviour should be as follows : a logged user who belongs to my specific role should be able to access the Edit Control of the module, and only for this module, not for the others, and not for the page.
I have two users in my role. One works exactly as expected, the other one has no access the the Edit Control. When I remove my specific role to the "working" user, he eventually loses acces, which is normal, when I restogive him back the role, he's got the permission back, still normal, but with my other user, there is nothing I can do to grant him modify permissions. I have tried with a third and fouth user, but the problem remains the same.
I have checked the User table, the role table, The UserRole mapping table, the Module-Role-Permission mapping table, and all the records that should be in them are actually in them, there is no extra record (like twice the same mapping or a deny mapping never deleted...).
I have also tried to clean cache, restart dnn, restart IIS website, restart IIS, resave web.config or recycle the IIS worker process, but nothing seems to fix the issue.
This issue was on a 4.5.0 which I have upgraded to 4.9.0 without fixing the problem.
I have tried to reproduce this bug on a clean install of 4.9.0 but all is working as expected.
Does anyone ever experienced this kind of strange behaviour ? This is happening on a production level Intranet, so migrating all the modules, contents, config and DesktopModules to a clean install would be a mess !