My biggest frustration I have with designing websites, has nothing to do with DotNetNuke. Rather, now that I have the tools and skills to create web applications completly that are extreemly come everythign I buiild looks like a turd when I'm done :->
I find it the hardest to lay out a website, heirarchy more than anything. What pages do I need, where should they go, and how to draw attention to areas on that website.
I get some cool page structures down, but after a good month or two of tweakin, changing, adding the end of it all it looks like a big mess of pages with no good flow or control over the users experience....Uggg.. I guess I shoulda went to college :->
Any good self teaching tutorals, or user groups out there of people talking more about web administration, layout and design, content placement type to make it all come togather nicely so that I user doesn't get sea sick looking at my site :->