Are you assigning an event handler anywhere for it to handle?
something like
uc.OnClick += new EventHandlet(uc_OnClick(...)); //Or something like that, VS lets me use the Tab key to make it go
Then have a function
protected void uc_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e){...}
To handle the event of a control in the loaded usercontrol, the user control will have to bubble up an event such as the button click; something like this
private void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
Response.Write("WebUserControl1 :: Begin Button1_Click <BR>");
Response.Write("WebUserControl1 :: End Button1_Click <BR>");
public event EventHandler BubbleClick;
protected void OnBubbleClick(EventArgs e)
if(BubbleClick != null)
BubbleClick(this, e);
Then, in the control that you loaded the user control you will want to do something like
uc..BubbleClick += new EventHandler(uc_BubbleClick);
protected void uc_BubbleClick(object sender, EventArgs e){...}
I hope that helps.
Because I don't use it often enough and have to reference my old code, or the internets, my examples were slightly modified from the code found here.