Skins can be delivered as single zipped files with the skin files in them and the name of the skin - eg.. used and uploaded as just a skin on it's own.
Containers can be delivered in the same way.
If this method was being used - I'd select the 'upload skins' option and upload the file and then click the 'upload containers' and use the same method and upload the container files called '' as well. That's a two step procedure.
But, until now, you could create a skin package - that is - combine the skins and containers together and upload them in a single instance and it would then be one step procedure.
Packaging them was a little more work - eg.. you worked on your local machine and have containers/myfilename/container.ascx file ... and you would have skins/myfilename/skinname.ascx - - you would zip the skin file up in a zipped file called.. and you would, in the container folder, zip up the files and call - you would then copy the file and paste into the same folder where the file was...
That would give you two zipped files - one called and one called together and you'd right click in that folder where they are and zip the two zips to gether... and give that the name.. which would be your skin package..
Also in that skin package - you could put an 'about.htm' file in there which give you information abou the skin, the author etc.. That was commonly known as a skin package and many skins on snowcovered are presented that way.
But now, what happens that if you have a skin package - and you unzip that package - and you don't rename the to the 'skinpackage' name- it uploads to skins/skins/ - each and every skin you have will go to the same folder.
The same thing occurs with containers..
I know it has to be changed, but all the skins i have on my free skinning site now need to be repackaged completely to work in dnn 5. This will take some time but it has to be done or we'll have lots of people unable to use the free skins I have.
Now, if the developers did what they say they do - that is allow for legacy skins, backward compatiblity it would buy time for those who provide skins for the community either free or commerical.
I vote we bring back 'legacy skin' support. If you parse these skins - eg.. use the uploader, you'll find that now the 'about' skin will appear but will break the page becuase it has no 'tokens' in it. Before DNN knew that there was an about.htm skin and it remained that way - but now - that's all gone as well.
That's what I mean about impact on skinning...
Nina Meiers