One of my pet beefs was the Announcement module showing the Module Title - title in the RSS feed. Actually, all of the Core modules that use the internal RSS news generation method do this thing, too. Now, with DNN v5.0.0, I see only the Module Title used as the title. Do you see that as well? This is terrible for syndication, where the norm is to see the actual title, becuase that is the entry's topic lead in.
For example, I setup an Announcements module, and added an announcement using the actual module name as 'About Town', and the Announcement title as 'Shouldn't An Update Cause a Search Item Update?'.
The results of syndication, shown below, is rendered with the Module Title, as the 'title' and the description underneath it. This type of news syndication wouldn't make any sense in the real world because there is no connection between the two items displayed. Most news feed implementers want the Title to be a teaser to the content, sort of like newspaper headlines.
About Town
Today, January 02, 2009, 19 hours ago
Well, that's what folks on our team are thinking. When you update an item that is searcha...
The above example, should actually be rendered, according to the mapping within a module's code, usually the controller, as follows:
About Town - Shouldn't An Update Cause a Search Item Update?
Today, January 02, 2009, 19 hours ago
Well, that's what folks on our team are thinking. When you update an item that is searcha...
So, what do you need to do to fix this situation? Well, it's not as difficult as I thought to at least get back to the implementation that renders the feed item element with the Module Title - Title format. Though, you can take it a bit further with a minor mod to the a module's code. I changed the mapping to remove the Module Title from being concatenated to the Title, and went a step beyond to map the Module Title to the Channel Title in the feed. Then, you'ld have the following rendering for the Channel Title, and Item Title:
DolceCinq - Announcements
Shouldn't An Update Cause a Search Item Update?
Today, January 02, 2009, 19 hours ago
Well, that's what folks on our team are thinking. When you update an item that is searcha...
If this current implementation of internal news feed rendering is 'bugging' you, too. Take a look at my blog for one solution. Give it a read, and let me know what you think. At least, 'Let Chat About It'.