! I’m running v4.6.2. yea I know I oughta upgrade, but I want to know if my problem will be solved by upgrading first. Soooo here it goes, hopefully someone’s run into this before and I’m just being bit slow.
When I try to modify a module’s settings like rename it, change security, etc… a lot of times, the changes are not saved. When this happens the page’s mode switches from ”edit” to “view” for no apparent reason. Here’s some of the things I’ve tried:
I click delete on a module --> page switches to view mode and module still there
I try to move a module --> page switches to view mode and module is same location
I go to the module’s settings page and click delete --> get the confirm box, click yes, then get redirected to the page in view mode and module still there.
I try to change cache settings so it caches to disk instead of memory --> click save and cache still set to memory
I restart my browser and clear the browser cache --> no help
I clear the cache in the host settings --> no help
I restart the app in the host settings -->no help
I restart IIS --> no help
I reboot the server --> no help
I’ve tried making the modules changes on 3 different computers using both IE and Firefox -->no worky
I’m crying uncle here Has anybody had issues like this?