While I am certainly one who tries to read into things (I'm usually pretty good at it), this post appears to be full of over-speculation.
Jan Olsmar wrote
I got a mail from a customer that had read the press release and he was very sceptical to use the CE version now. Right or wrong I dont know. What advice shall I give him. It adds time to the decision.
There's no reason to not run or have confidence in the CE version. I challenge you to come up with a reason why anyone should feel that way. That being said, other than a single sentence in a press release (which I myself am highly critical of), I cannot think of a thing to support that concern.
Jan Olsmar wrote
Dnn Corp get a lot of customers they have no time to develop rel 5.0.x. A few core team membes maybe get pissed off and stop contribute (hope not) and so on..
That will slow the development. Maybe some other actor will take market. A lot of questions that will make the market uncertain.
You misinterpret the result of having a lot of customers. See my innovative (unpaid) listing below to illustrate this fact. ;)
A lot of customers = more revenue
More revenue = bigger budgets
Bigger budgets = more paid developers (Core Team members, maybe?)
More paid developers = more and faster innovation on the DotNetNuke platform
To give perspective, if the DNN Corp had funding two years ago, we'd already have things like a social networking API, a DNN-wide tagging system, and more. We are actually behind the curve in innovation right now.