I have created a couple of customised JavaScript functions that I want to include my Portal.
I created a new file - RJC.js and copied this into the js folder in the root of my portal.
How do I make sure that this JS file is included in all pages in all of my portals?
I don't want to add it to one of the existing dnn js files for the fear of it being overwritten during an upgrade?
I also don't want to add it to my skin as I have many child portals that all use different skins.
I see that the dnncore.js file is registered in the Default.apsx file as follows:
' register DNN ClientAPI scripts
Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude("dnncore", ResolveUrl("~/js/dnncore.js"))
This is the kind of thing I want to do, but I am reluctant to amend DNN Core code.
Is there another way of making sure my js file is included in each portal?