Do you need a menu like : www.lndpartnerships.co.uk?
If the instructions aren't clear enough then let me know (can you PM on these posts?) - I spent about 3 days searching this one out - if I can save someone else the pain then it will be my pleasure.
I built that with snapsis and I did the following:
1. In your skin.ascx file add a parent snapsis reference
<Snapsis:NavMenu Type="Tabs" OnlyExpandActive="true" id="navParent" Level="0-5" CacheTabs="False" NavType="Template" TemplateFile="ActiveResetHover.Parent.template.txt" ExcludeTabs="Admin,Host" runat="server" />
2. Then you need to add a template file (named ActiveResetHover.Parent.template.txt) in this case:
This will get you to the stage of having an expandable menu with the child tabs ONLY visible when a parent item is active.
You'll notice from my code that you can add in styles etc to the navigation items - just remove these as required.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="skined.css" />
[NavMenu-Container[ <div id="{NavMenu.Id}" class="VertMenu"> <ul class="Level0"> ]]
[Level0-Item[ <li class="{NavMenu.Id}-{Tab.Id}" id="{NavMenu.Id}-{Tab.Id}" iif({Tab.IsActive}='True', class="SelectedItem") > ]]
[Level0-Anchor[ <a href="{Tab.Url}" title="{Tab.Title}">{Tab.Name}</a> <div id="{NavMenu.Id}-{Tab.Id}divider"></div>]]
[Level1-Container[ <ul id="navChild-{Tab.ParentId}" class="Level1"> ]]
[Level1-Item[ <li id="{NavMenu.Id}-{Tab.Id}" IIF({Browser}='IE',{IEHoverJS}) class="IIF({Tab.IsFirstChild}='True',First-Child) IIF({Tab.IsLastChild}='True',Last-Child)"> ]]
[Level1-Anchor[ <a href="{Tab.Url}" title="{Tab.Title}" IIF({Tab.IsActive}='True',class="SelectedItem")>{Tab.Name}</a> ]]
[/Level1-Item[ </li> ]]
[/Level1-Container[ </ul> ]]
[/Level0-Item[ </li> ]]
[/NavMenu-Container[ </ul></div> ]]