Assuming that your host is an IIS host with SQL Server Express, all you need to do is transfer all of your files to your server via FTP and your site will work with the following considerations:
If your local site is running the database inside of SQL Server where it is attached and manageable in SQL Server Management Studio, you will want to move the database inside the APP_Data folder of your DNN site or you will need to move the database to your host seperately and attach it in your SQL management control panel.
If you can attach it to SQL server from your control panel, you will have the added advantage of being able to manage the database remotely outside of DNN. If your data is in APP_Data, you cannot attach it and manage it while your site is running.
If you choose to put your database files inside of APP_Data, all you need to do is edit the Web.Config file. There are only 2 lines that need to be edited and they will look like this when you are done:
connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLExpress;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|dnnportals_Data.mdf;"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
<add key="SiteSqlServer" value="Data Source=.\SQLExpress;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|dnnportals_Data.mdf;"/>
If you look closely at the above string, you will notice that my database used to be attached to SQL Server as "dnnportals" but now it is in App_Data and everything works perfectly without any other changes.
If you are going to attach your database to SQL Server your Web.Config will look like this (but better passwords):
<add name="SiteSqlServer" connectionString=";Database=dnnportals;uid=dnnportals;pwd=dnnportals;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
<add key="SiteSqlServer" value=";Database=dnnportals;uid=dnnportals;pwd=dnnportals;" />
With this information, you should have no problem getting your local site moved. I have done it many times now and it is very easy after you do it once or twice. Just the other day I resurrected an old site I had on a server that I shut off a year or more ago.
A couple things that could sting:
If your local site is running SQL Server 2008 Express and your host is running SQL Server 2005, you will not be able to move your site to this host.
If you do not have a legitimate alias assigned to your portal, you may not be able to access your site once it is moved. Before you move your database, log into your site, go to Site Settings and the Poral Alias section. Add the domain that your host has provided for you into the Portal Alias area.