Timo, thank you for the thoughts...
I did copy the whole installation from dev to production servers... it took me 2-3 days to get that to actually work (going from Vista to Server 2003), but everything (except this) seems to have worked. I have tested with IE8, Chrome, and FF3 on the dev box and IE7, Chrome, and FF3 and the production box.
There is a script error on the server but not on the dev machine:
using IE7 = "Automation server can't create object
FF with FireBug = "oParent is null GetMenuItems()(null) GenerateMenuHTML()(Document) spm_intmyMenu(null, span#dnn_dnnNAV_ctldnnNAV) Default.aspx?returnurl=%20fDefault.aspx()() for (var i = 0;i<oParent.childNodes.length; i++)
In fact... now that I've started looking for that, there are many many script errors on the server but none on the dev machine. All seem to point to the Menu tho.
If I View Source on one of the pages, the container HTML shows like this:
<div class="widgetHeader">
<table class="widgetHeader">
<span><span width="100%" class="ModuleTitle_MenuItem" name="dnn$ctr352$dnnACTIONS$ctldnnACTIONS" id="dnn_ctr352_dnnACTIONS_ctldnnACTIONS" orient="0" sysimgpath="/Images/" imagelist="[0]action.gif" imagepaths="/Images/" carrowimg="/Images/action_right.gif" css="ModuleTitle_MenuItem" csshover="ModuleTitle_MenuItemSel" mbcss="ModuleTitle_MenuBar" mcss="ModuleTitle_SubMenu" cssicon="ModuleTitle_MenuIcon" postback="__doPostBack('dnn$ctr352$dnnACTIONS$ctldnnACTIONS','[NODEID]Click')" callback="dnn.xmlhttp.doCallBack('ctldnnACTIONS dnn_ctr352_dnnACTIONS_ctldnnACTIONS','[NODEXML]',this.callBackSuccess,oMNode,this.callBackFail,this.callBackStatus,null,null,0);"></span></span>
<td style="width:100%;text-align:left;padding-left:20px;white-space:nowrap;">
<span id="dnn_ctr352_dnnTITLE_lblTitle" class="Head">Portal Aliases</span>
and if I look at the parsed .ascx file, the same area looks like this:
<div class="widgetHeader">
<table class="widgetHeader">
<dnn:ACTIONS runat="server" id="dnnACTIONS" ProviderName="DNNMenuNavigationProvider" ExpandDepth="1" PopulateNodesFromClient="True" />
<td style="width:100%;text-align:left;padding-left:20px;white-space:nowrap;">
<dnn:TITLE runat="server" id="dnnTITLE" CssClass="Head" />
<dnn:VISIBILITY runat="server" id="dnnVISIBILITY" minIcon="images/controls_minimize.gif" MaxIcon="images/controls_maximize.gif" />
Do you think I need to somehow uninstall and reinstall this portal?
Thanks again for the response