Hi All,
As the subject states, i have an error migrating my DNN5 hosting - and cannot seem to work out why.
Of note is this: i tested the portal internally on my own test server, IIS 6 and SQL 2005 standard.
I then relocated the files to another local iis6 server that is accessible from the internet for remote testing - this worked fine
Now the project is complete i'm trying to migrate to my web hosting, the hosting is on IIS 7, i can choose between SQL 2005 and sql 2008 - i chose 2005 (NOT EXPRESS).
I have copied up all the files, and i used SQL manager on my local server to Export the entire database directly into the SQL 2005 database on the remote end.
I Experience this problem initially. Instead of seeing my portal load up (aliases/DNS are all correctly pointed), i get the Installation Wizard... I cant seem to get past the wizard, at one point i decided to just step through it and see what happened. the Database scripts failed, and now the portal shows this error.
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'ServerID', table 'CL1679_storewebsites.dbo.Servers'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
The statement has been terminated.
I have confirmed that the exported database structure is all identical, i have no idea what i might do to rectify this situation.
One idea i have, that i think might not work - What if i remove all the files and DB, and install a fresh DNN - then copy my files over the top (same version), and inject my database over the top? I have not yet tried this as i can only see it making a bigger mess.
I have read the moving DNN faq here, as well as others, and see no google results for my particular error (other than one on this forum that went unanswered)
Any ideas, help would be greatly appreciated, Charles