Yeah, That was one of the first things I tried. When I saw the install folder I started to open the various pages directly in my browser hoping it would trigger an install. Unfortunately all I get doing that is an XML errror:
XML Parsing Error: no element found
I'm going to keep hammering away at it and try and get 5.0.1. working. Right now I can't even login to the website. When I try logging in, I get the following error:
A critical error has occurred.
Parameter count does not match Parameter Value count.
Unfortunately, it doesn't tell me which stored procedure is mucked.
What I'm doing right now is trying to compare databases. I created a separate DB and did a fresh install of 5.0.0 to a separate website. Then I did an upgrade to 5.0.1. I'm using a DB compare tool to try and compare that install against our production one to see what's different. Unfortunately, our production install also has a bunch of Desktop Modules installed, so now I need to go through those and install them on the test site so I can get these two DB's as close as possible. Maybe then I can find out what's actually different between them and diagnose where the problem is.